Cage farm for fish
- Traditional, sea-based farm
- 195 tonnes of food fish per year
- Red snapper, hybrid grouper, threadfin
Shrimp farm and hatchery
- Super-intensive, land-based farm
- 51 tonnes of shrimp and 100 MN post-larvae per year
- Species: Tiger Shrimp (P. monodon)
- Post-larvae: White Shrimp (L. vannamei), Tiger Shrimp (P. monodon), Kuruma Shrimp (M. japonicus)
- Equipped with limited water exchange, green energy, and patented MSG RAS technology.
Smart farm for fish and shrimp
- Super-intensive, land-based farm
- 2,100 tonnes of rainbow trout and 115 tonnes of shrimp per year in 1.6 ha
- White Shrimp, Rainbow Trout
- Equipped with fully automated, AI-enabled RAS farming system and AgroDomeTM housing system for ambient control